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Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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  • 2023 社区 Resource Guide

What is 人类服务 and what do you do?
欧博体育官网人类服务部由吸收服务部门组成, 老化 and 成人服务, Neighborhood Services, and Veterans Services. We provide information, 推荐, 为低收入者提供个案管理和获得财政援助和支助服务, 上了年纪的, 禁用, and veteran individuals and families. 我们的使命是将人和资源联系起来,帮助他们摆脱危机,走向繁荣, 自给自足, 和独立.

How are the services and programs offered funded?
CCHS管理联邦和州拨款以及县基金来提供服务. 有些服务是由收费和服务接受者的捐款资助的.

Can I get help with my rent? 公用事业公司? 抵押贷款? 其他费用?
CCHS提供的经济援助计划提供住房成本(租金/抵押贷款/水电费/房屋维修/购房)方面的帮助。, educational and employment supports, 以及其他有助于自给自足和提高生活质量的帮助. Each have unique income and other eligibility requirements. You can apply for help on-line. 欲了解更多信息,或协助申请过程,请致电941.833.6500 and an intake coordinator will help you.

Call the Elder Helpline at 866.413.5337或访问 Area Agency on 老化's website. 让长者服务热线了解您的情况变化是很重要的,因为这关系到您在等候名单上的位置. 

Who qualifies for aging services? 

  • 阿尔茨海默病倡议计划- 18岁及以上被告知或被诊断患有某种形式的痴呆症的居民可能有资格获得服务. 的 dementia may be naturally occurring, illness/disease related, organic brain syndrome, or the result of an injury. 
  • 国家家庭照顾者计划- 60岁或以上需要服务和满足日常生活活动的赤字, 年龄在55岁以上,因各种原因不能与父母一起抚养未满18岁的未成年孙辈的. 

What kind of aging services might be available to me? 

  • Directly provided by in-house staff: Information and 推荐; case management; well-checks
  • Provided under agreement or contract: Transportation, 家政, 个人护理, 喘息的机会, 同伴, Emergency Alert Response System, 烦人的事, 营养服务,如套餐和家庭送餐, Specialized Supplies and Medical Equipment, Dependent Child Care

What can I expect if I am 联系ed for an assessment? 
一个案例管理员将与您联系,完成文书工作并询问您的需求, your overall situation, 你的财务状况, 你生活的其他方面,以及你目前是如何管理的. Once the assessment is complete, 您和您的护理人员将是制定护理计划的关键-这是关于我们如何才能最好地帮助您. 你可以从我们的承包商名单中选择你想提供服务的承包商, we send the authorization and we begin. 个案管理员会联系你,了解事情的进展,通常会提供更多(通常是不相关的)社区资源,你可以利用这些资源,帮助你留在你想要的地方……在家里. You will then be reassessed on an annual basis. 在您使用服务的整个过程中,工作人员将始终与您保持联系. We will always attempt to address your changing needs. 

Yes, there is a waiting list most of the time. 那些最需要帮助的人首先得到评估和服务. 两(2)个项目确实有最低费用,由国家根据月收入水平设定. Not all participants pay fees. 在评估时,总会给出共同支付和捐赠的完整解释. 

我无家可归. Where can I find help?
CCHS is not a homeless services provider. 但是,如果需要的话,我们可以帮助你进入无家可归者系统. For information about shelter, 联系 the Charlotte County 首页less Coalition. For services for unsheltered homeless, 联系 Jesus Loves You Ministries. 申请转介到为无家可归者提供住房援助的项目, call or visit one of those agencies or call CCHS at 941.833.6500.

How do I get a Section 8 voucher?
住房选择券、八节补贴券等住房选择都是由国家保障性住房委员会提供的 Punta Gorda Housing Authority.

Is there affordable housing in Charlotte County? Can I get on the list for affordable housing?
Affordable Housing Catalog 提供有关该县所有负担得起的租赁住房选择的信息, including those for special populations (上了年纪的, 禁用, 退伍军人). 经济适用房没有等待或优先名单. 必须直接与开发部门联系,询问可用性和成本.

我的房子需要修理(屋顶、暖通空调、窗户、化粪池、管道、电气等).). Where can I get help?
CCHS提供项目帮助低收入家庭进行维修, 改善和保护家庭,加强健康和安全. For more information, call 941.833.6500 and ask for a member of the Housing team.

I'm trying to by a house. Is there help with down-payment?
CCHS提供项目,帮助低收入家庭获得首付款援助,拥有住房. 受助人必须参加促进健康信用的课程, 金融知识和负责任的家庭护理和维护. For more information, call 941.833.6500 and ask for a member of the Housing team.

How do I obtain pay-off information on my SHIP loan?
拨打941.833.6500 and ask for a member of the Housing team.

I'm being denied housing and feel I'm being discriminated against because I (have children; am 禁用; am a minority; etc.). 我该怎么办呢??
Discrimination based on your race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 家庭地位, or disability is against the law. 如果你认为你是住房歧视的受害者,你可以 提出投诉, or call HUD toll-free at 800.669.9777. 如果你在投诉方面需要帮助,你可以发邮件给欧博体育官网 Fair Housing Coordinator 或拨打941.833.6500 for more information.

How do I get a Veteran benefits review?
Call our 经验丰富的服务 Division at 941.764.5579 for an appointment.
What do I bring to the appointment?

  • Disability Claim: DD 214/Record of Discharge, 医学诊断, 还有银行账户信息,包括账户和转接号码.
  • Burial and Death Benefits: DD 214/Record of Discharge, Long Form Death Certificate, 结婚证书, 还有银行账户信息,包括账户和转接号码.

How do I enroll in VA Healthcare?
在线申请 或致电Bay Pines VA Healthcare Enrollment and Eligibility,电话727.398.6661年,ext. 15684

Am I eligible for a Veteran ID Card?
在线申请 if you meet both of the requirements listed below:

  • 服役于现役、预备役或国民警卫队(包括海岸警卫队),以及
  • 光荣退伍(在光荣的条件下)

Delivering Exceptional Service

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